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Bankruptcy Courts

Each federal judicial district handles bankruptcy matters, and in almost all districts, bankruptcy cases are filed in the bankruptcy court. Bankruptcy cases cannot be filed in state court. Bankruptcy laws help people who can no longer pay their creditors get a fresh start by liquidating their assets to pay their debts, or by creating a repayment plan.

U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Census Bureau data on median family incomes by State. This data will be used as a benchmark to determine if the income earned by a person filing for bankruptcy exceeds the State median family income. If a filer exceeds the median income for six months preceding bankruptcy filing, additional analysis under the means test will be used to determine if filer can use Chapter 7 or must file under Chapter 13.

State Bar

Created by the state legislature in 1927, the State Bar is a public corporation within the judicial branch of government, serving as an arm of the California Supreme Court. All State Bar members are officers of the court. Membership in the State Bar of California affords attorneys the right and privilege of practicing law in this state. The bar’s integrated network of functions and services — many of them mandated by law — protects the public and assists attorneys in meeting their professional obligations.

Federal Bankruptcy Code

This version is generated from the most recent official version made available by the US House of Representatives. For exact information about the currency of any particular title as it is published by the House, see the listing on the House server. The date of any text appearing on this site appears in italics at the upper right in every Code section.

The Law Offices of Alex Leon will explain all available options so you can make the best informed decision for you and your family.

Sacramento Office

Bankruptcy Testimonials

"After retiring, I found myself in money trouble and found no way out but to file bankruptcy. I contacted the Law Offices of Alex Leon and made an appointment. My bankruptcy was made very easy to understand and to proceed. Alex is very personable and knowledgeable. I, happily, would recommend his services to anyone. "

Karren W.

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